Okay traveler this time we will discuss about the existing attractions in Lombok , Lombok is now one of the leading tourist attractions in Indonesia , Lombok is often likened to bali because it has beautiful scenery and a very dear miss .

Therefore, if you come to lombok you must visit attractions featured in this lombokk , because it is a pity if you 've got to Lombok , but not a favorite of tourists visiting destinations in Lombok .

What are the places most visited tourist in lombok? Here's his info for you:

1 . Kuta Beach Lombok

If there is Kuta beach in Bali as well as in the chili , lombok Kuta beach is located in the village of Kuta , Lombok , NTB . This beach has beautiful white sand and crystal clear water , this lombok Kuta beach is one of the favorites of foreign tourists , so how about you ?

2 . Gili Trawangan

Then the tourist attractions that you must visit is Gili Trawangan in Lombok , travel tempai this one has a very beautiful beach , white sand beaches and is perfect for diving .

The beach is located in the northern Lombok and you can visit it from the port wards which takes about 50 minutes , then the island is very much visited by foreign tourists.

One attraction of foreign tourists to Gili Trawangan , in addition to the beautiful beaches of this place really is pollution , if you visit it you will not find a motor vehicle , it is done so that the air is really beautiful and pollution-free . hmm amazing

3 . Pine Beach

Pine Beach is located in east Lombok , the location is in between the beach and the headlands ringgit paradise, this place is not so widely known because it is secluded beaches and cypress road access is difficult.

However, this beach has a very beautiful panorama , with a white sand beach on the edge of the lip makes it even more perfect beach as a tourist attraction you when to lombok.

If you want to see the beauty of the Indian Ocean directly you can rent a boat from the shore crossing is approximately 10 minutes to the island across from the beach , and there eyes you will be stunned to see the beauty of the Indian Ocean blue with sea corals are beautifully engraved . perfecto

4 . Paradise Beach

Tourist attractions in Lombok next that you must visit is the beach paradise , Beach Paradise Beach is said to be because it has beautiful white sand and clear sea water and the hills also add this beautiful beach .

Well that in some places the most visited tourist in lombok, actually there are many attractions that you must visit when to chili but only so first maybe in other opportunities will be discussed again , so how do you think the attraction in lombokk ? no less than bali not ?

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