Maninjau is one of the leading tourist attraction west Sumatra province , located in the district of lakes reviewing tanjung raya, agam district , West Sumatra . or tourists can travel from town lake Maninjau padang a distance of about 140 km or 2.5 hours by road .

Maninjau Lake
Maninjau Lake has a beautiful panorama , and even before it reached the lake Maninjau we will pass road named kelok 44 a road that has a bend as much as 44 , before that leads to the lake Maninjau .

But for those of you who bring personal vehicles to the lake Maninjau careful in kelok 44 , because in the west Sumatran kelok 44 accident-prone , almost the same as kelok 9 are also prone to accidents in the province of West Sumatra .

Despite taking Maninjau lake is quite difficult because the roads pass through extreem but once it gets into the lake Maninjau , the visitors will be satisfied , all tired on the trip will go away on its own after arriving at the lake Maninjau western Sumatra .

With the beauty and natural scenery is still beautiful to make visitor who was tired can relax and be more comfortable when it reached the lake Maninjau , you do not believe ? Please Click Here to see the beauty of the lake Maninjau western Sumatra .


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